IfcOpenShell screenshot for wiki
I need a screenshot for the IfcOpenShell entry on the wiki? Suggestions? Should I just take one from BlenderBIM?
ping @Moult @aothms
I need a screenshot for the IfcOpenShell entry on the wiki? Suggestions? Should I just take one from BlenderBIM?
ping @Moult @aothms
Oh, and what is IfcPipeline / view.ifcopenshell.org and is there a reason why it's not listed on the IfcOpenShell page?
In the IfcOpenShell blog there are some images: What about this one? http://blog.ifcopenshell.org/2014/12/combining-ifcopenshell-and-pythonocc.html
IfcPipeline is a web-based viewer that behind the scenes uses other IfcOpenShell tools like IfcConvert. It's not listed on the IfcOpenShell webpage because the webpage needs a big upgrade :)
There seem to be a lot of good images on Google https://www.google.com/search?q=ifcopenshell&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiMrdbXxrLwAhV4IbcAHRcGBFcQ_AUIESgB&biw=1920&bih=981#imgrc=VqIca0OumZyR-M
I went with this