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Using the face normal to get a schedule from tessellated Tissue panels in Blender? / BlenderBim

I just watched the excellent Monthly meetup:

And one of Dimitar's Questions stuck with me, how to create a schedule from the façade panels created through geometry nodes or tissue addon.
Just a question, would it be possible to use the normals from each panel (since each panel will be a quad or a tri?) and offset a camera from that angle to create a view aligned to the panel? In the same way the current drawing operator in Blenderbim takes the top view for a plan?

Of course currently (or once multiple drawings are available in Blenderbim) you could create an elevation camera and manually align it with each panel so that should be possible soon enough, but would the automation of that be possible?
Assuming the façade is a single object and the panels are individual faces.



  • Well the standard workflow would be to use an unwrapping + stacking algorithm to place them on a xy plane, label and dimension them and make a layout out of this.

  • @JanF said:
    Well the standard workflow would be to use an unwrapping + stacking algorithm to place them on a xy plane, label and dimension them and make a layout out of this.

    That sounds like a plan! I'm sure Sverchok has a similar process, thanks Jan

  • @Ace said:
    That sounds like a plan! I'm sure Sverchok has a similar process, thanks Jan

    Yup, it should be fairly easy, but let me know if you need help.

  • @Ace super curious to see the process!

  • If you don't need connections between faces, using a normal aligned with z up matrix to retrieve each faces vertex coords will allow to actually "unfold" any geometry into 2d representation, but handling connections for random geometry is not possible.

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