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Remove elements from IFC

edited September 2021 in General

Hi I have imported and IFC into BB, I then deleted stuff leaving just the building envelope. I have tried to export to IFC and export to CSV but with no success, I'm sure it's user error. I would appreciate some help please. I have attached the blend file, wasn't sure how to do that so I changed the extension to a txt


  • I opened the blend file and tried exporting to IFC.

    It said the IfcProject was missing

    So I used this script which purges everything and makes a new IFC project

    I tried exporting again to IFC and it says:

    AttributeError: entity instance of type 'IfcPolyLoop' has no attribute 'HasRepresentation'

    Don't know if this is any help, my experience is that deleting stuff from an IFC file and then exporting it often fails because of missing elements in the IFC hierarchy.
    Maybe if you provide some more specific information and someone with some more IFC knowledge can help.

  • Thank you Coen for having a look at this file, I will take on your insight into deleting stuff from IFCs.

  • Hi Nigel, the IFC and blender file are integral, and cannot be separated. That is, you can't recreate an IFC from just the blender file.
    Another way, to look at it, is that the IFC 'is' the native file, essentially, for BB.
    Does that help? Maybe you know this already.

  • The following issue, goes into the reason why....

  • I have tried to export to IFC and export to CSV but with no success, I'm sure it's user error.

    Can you describe what 'no success' meant?
    Did you go...

    and nothing happened?
    If so, that's normal. It 'does' export, but there's no UI to confirm you did. Is a little confusing.

  • edited April 2022


    the IFC and blender file are integral, and cannot be separated. That is, you can't recreate an IFC from just the blender file.

    Is it possible to copy only the geometry from an imported IFC in Blender, start a new Blender sessions with the copied geometry and just start an entirely new IfcProject?

  • you can copy and paste objects from one file to another, but you need to 'unlink' them first: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ve40l5o6rx75wf/2022-02-22_12-34-44.mp4?dl=0

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