PR / white papers

edited November 2021 in General

Dear all,

We have a nice set of skills here distributed over the people. Surely we have people good at copy editing, graphics, etc.

Can we as a community put out an occasional white paper where we present our view on a couple of topics? Some ideas:

  • Round tripping. Describe the difficulties, the legacy .stp exchange format, not that suitable for information sharing. But also show how good round tripping workflows foster innovation in our sector, because small tools can meaningfully contribute to the workflow of professionals and break open poor-performing monolithic applications.
  • Data integrity. A lot of the established IFC tools silently discard elements that are invalid, or that they do not understand. I think the reason for this is showering users with errors and warnings (like revit would do on an IFC import) gives the signal that IFC is a poor workflow. In the long run though this kind of silently discarding elements will do more harm than good. Show our stance on data integrity and validation, maybe talk a bit about how we can use quantities to test whether geometries are correctly imported.
  • Maybe something sustainability / multi-disciplinary. Or more contentious topics, e.g do we still need explicit relationships (which are most of the case invalid, or calculated under different assumptions, or calculated on partial data) if we have the tooling to infer them automatically. Or our view on the future of IFC (cfr

I think the aim should be that we get top quality output on this on the same level as a professional company in our sector. With good bespoke graphics, nice layout, well-written. Maybe a bit personal also, that the people contributed to it have their faces on it.

Who's with me on this?



  • Hi Thomas, this is something that I would like to help with. English is my first language, and I like writing technical/marketing articles. I am a retired engineer, so I have some time available. I don't have deep domain expertise in the areas of roundtripping or data integrity, but I would love to work with somebody who does to craft a series of professional whitepapers. I would also be interested in helping to prepare news articles for the OSArch landing page.

  • Hi @Rob that sound great. How would you feel about doing some work on the wiki and keeping an eye out for a topic you'd like to write an article about? That might be a place to start. If you follow the Twitter and LinkedIn accounts there are lots of subjects that might catch your interest and people worth interviewing etc.

  • Hi @duncan, sounds good. I will start going through the Wiki, looking for opportunities to contribute.

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