SweetHome3D and Electrical-wiring

under https://www.sweethome3d.com/support/forum/viewthread_thread,11503_offset,10;jsessionid=DA22F06641C3336AE4DC631D44468287
some new plugins from Sweethome3D.. amazing.
and spanisch Electrical-Symbol in FreeCAD: https://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=68459
new version 0.8 of Qelectrotech.org
Getting closer and closer to MEP Planing.



  • Qelectrotech... we don't have this one in the wiki.. right?

  • right.. any of the potential MEP tools ! used to have KiCAD on the list (which is only for electronic devices, but could be the starting point for electrical appliance simulation.) Someone to mix Qelectrotech (only editor, visual editor) with a light version of KiCAD, would look like DDS-CAD (proprietary). Missing Flamingo (or alike) which is/was the plumbing tool n FreeCAD? Used to be in the list, if I remember well.

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