MEP/FP Specific Blender Tools?

I see a lot of tools for architects in the ArchViz space for Blender now, but is there anything that can make help make nice IFC documented piping, conduit, wiring, grounding, fire protection, fire alarm, security, etc type objects?


  • In terms of modeling, only basic parametric duct creation was prototyped so far. A more complete system was designed here: (by designed, I mean the methods of axis conventions of determining how to place connecting segments).

    There are however already tools for browsing systems, filtering objects by system, assigning / unassigning systems, creating new port connections, connecting / disconnecting ports, visualising system connectivity (e.g. 3D line-like diagram), changing directionality of distribution flow.

    In terms of calculations (flow rates, capacities, and basic upstream control routing) nothing has been done yet.

    Would you like to help contribute?

  • edited October 2022

    Thanks @Moult for your status report,
    Slightly confused by your first point, is that parametric duct creation prototype currently implemented in BlenderBIM or still on the drawing board?
    If there's any existing code in BlenderBIM for the parametric extruded solids, could you point me to it so I can see about modifying it for piping?

    I've been looking into ways to create non-destructive procedural pipe systems in Blender for the last few weeks.
    My current process uses a bezier curve that has a geometry node modifier applied used to go from 2D -> 3D with parameters for diameter, flange thickness, system label, and materials for pipe and text label. This method gives me lots of flexibility with system redesigning. I'm not sure if use of geometry node approach works well with the methods you are working towards with IFC definitions though. I'm new to programmatic geometry creation, so any suggested reading material would be helpful!

    I'm leaving myself a few bread crumbs here to research:
    IFCSverchok Geometry creation

  • edited October 2022

    Parametric duct segment creation was prototyped, but nothing else. E.g. fittings to turn corners / merge ducts / transition / cap segments are not auto inserted, and there are no slick hotkeys and so on to make things attach and extend and split and so on. So in short, expect to see a box sized to a the duct appear, but not be able to do much else :)

    The code is here:

    When fully implemented, it'd be non-destructive and procedural to the extents allowed by AEC (e.g. there are particular constraints for fabrication).

  • Just to bring this up a bit in case it interests someone else, and would also like to start contributing slowly.
    I guess a good starting point would be to be able to create additional shapes of ducts per PEnum_DuctSegmentShape (listed below). I guess ROUND and maybe FLATOVAL should cover most of the commonly used cases.

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