How to clip multiple walls with (1) roof or clipping plane

Is there currently a way to do this with BB?

It used to be possible, but don't think it is any longer.

Currently since a wall can only extend to (1) IfcSlab(roofs), I have to split walls in half, like the following.

... which would be okay, but they print with a line down the middle, on the elevations.
I don't think there's a way to 'Join Criteria' for projections, is there?



  • You can create a single wall with multiple half space solid clipping along the top using the Homemaker add-on, ie. Draw the gable as a five point polygon mesh and run Homemaker. The result should be a typed wall, just change type and offset, assign the spatial container, and mitre the corners to join it to your BlenderBIM walls.

    You can create a Homemaker style definition that will reuse the wall and window types that are already in the model, but this isn't necessary if you just want to turn some geometry into some wall or roof etc.. and are happy to modify it afterwards.

  • Thanks Bruno.
    I ended up just creating an aggregate and then applying the void to the aggregate.

  • You can use half space proxies for clipping a single wall multiple times. Under the hood that's what happens when you extend a wall to a roof.

    However you won't be able (AFAIK) to clip multiple walls with a single half space proxy.

  • edited September 2023

    Thanks @Gorgious, using your suggested approach.
    I assume clip multiple walls with (1) roof or clipping plane is in the roadmap, but in the meantime, curious if there could be a middle ground, whereby multiple walls could be selected and run a command like bim.show_booleans that would show all the 'Half Space Proxies' that are associated with all the selected walls. That way, you could do bulk operations on the 'Half Space Proxies', that is, for example, raise them all up if the roof got higher, for instance.

    Just brainstorming.

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