We're ready for donations!
We now have a platform ready to present projects and manage donations. Just head over to the new OSArch Open Collective. https://osarch.org/2022/09/05/support-osarch-with-money/
Please help us promote this on social media. It might just be the biggest support you can give us.
Is anyone currently working on adding a donations link to the top of this forum page? @theoryshaw
My intention is to, but @Moult still needs to give me SCP/SSH access. :)
bump? @duncan @theoryshaw
is it the right way to remember this here?
Donations on a by-project basis, conforming to some kind of public roadmap would be helpful. Our team would love to support document and drawing enhancements - as just one example.
@Andyro I think the following funding mechanism would be a good fit for the project you have in mind.
@theoryshaw , what @Andryo said.
Is there a way to consolidate on the suggestions from the feature requests thread that you made for Bonsai and get members to rank the features by voting, and then set up the top three features voted for with bounties with a target of let's say 500 usd each on Open Collective for members to also back their votes with some funds?
This helps get a strong indication of which user requirements are most pressing for attention and will help build more velocity as dev efforts would be better aligned with user needs, and of course the additional funds mean that an extra dev could be hired for specific tasks for a definite duration. It also adds a specific way of contributing to how things evolve for those not contributing as devs. This process could be repeated twice a year, creating a regular cycle of engagement with the development process.
Yes, i think this is a good idea, and is somewhat aligned with what I was trying to do this feature request thread, and this bug thread.
That is, by asking the community to post only (1) feature/bug, they had to really decide what was really important to them. And since it was only (1) feature/bug per post, any 'likes' from other community members would be an obvious 'vote' for that feature/bugfix.
Would think this voting feedback from others would give the original proposer of the idea, enough confidence to post the project through the following funding mechanism...
Well I plunked down a monthly basic corp amount, but I would still like to target projects with a set of bigger spends. Is there a poll feature on the forum? And some way to make public the internal roadmap? If 0.8.0 is any indication, you all are working on a LOT more at the same time than you are letting on ;)
I think there is a poll addon, but I think it's part of a paid version of Vanilla forums... not sure.