@Coen Definitely that's the idea! Every once in awhile redo the videos, after there has been some major changes, I'd like this to be the "dounut" equivalent in Blenderbim.
For instance this time last year, I had no idea how to do most of this in Blenderbim, and some of it wasn't working at all. So updates will happen.
There are quite a few other videos I want to do first though. Multi story, MEP, energy calcs, etc
Hi! I just finished part 4 and I have a question for the community. Isn't it alarming the way that the insulation was created? Most of you agree that from a user standpoint this is the direction it should go?
@ALX_NDR said:
Hi! I just finished part 4 and I have a question for the community. Isn't it alarming the way that the insulation was created? Most of you agree that from a user standpoint this is the direction it should go?
Alarming sound a bit dramatic for something slightly unpractical ;-), but because it's open source you are welcome to add your idea and maybe other people can build/improve on it ;-)
@ALX_NDR said:
Hi! I just finished part 4 and I have a question for the community. Isn't it alarming the way that the insulation was created? Most of you agree that from a user standpoint this is the direction it should go?
Alarming sound a bit dramatic for something slightly unpractical ;-), but because it's open source you are welcome to add your idea and maybe other people can build/improve on it ;-)
I wasn't trying to be toxic or something...I choose the word because I think someone spent time creating this "feature" and as a BIM app this is totally wrong. You are right about OS and as soon as I wrap my head around the system I'll(try to) do my part. For now, all I can do is learn, observe and raise questions(hoping no one gets them wrong).
Hey @ALX_NDR everything is currently pre-pre-pre alpha and most things that involve UI or impractical elements like the insulation are just the first attempt to get the feature in, we just had something similar with the angle dimension that worked but was impossible to use (it now works as expected).
It's changing fast and it's all at the start, so if you can try contribute (byt using it checking for bugs, and post issues on the github) to get it going that will be a great way to help, at the moment these tutorials are just a point of reference but I can tell you BlenderBim has already been rebuilt fully atleast once and a year ago this was completely different.
Don't think of this as autodesk product, there isnt a top down approach, things can and do change, especially silly things like the insulation, but then we need to recommend an alternative, resources are slim and there is so much being done at once
@Ace said: @Coen Definitely that's the idea! Every once in awhile redo the videos, after there has been some major changes, I'd like this to be the "dounut" equivalent in Blenderbim.
For instance this time last year, I had no idea how to do most of this in Blenderbim, and some of it wasn't working at all. So updates will happen.
There are quite a few other videos I want to do first though. Multi story, MEP, energy calcs, etc
Great videos @Ace . Again, Thanks for sharing. About new videos Multi storey project would be great!
Thanks for the videos @Ace, really helpful. It's just sweet that all the great work that's gone into BlenderBIM gets properly showcased in a way that serves information you can use. Bravo!
@Moult said:
Fun fact that insulation was implemented as a "oh gosh I need this drawing out tomorrow quick build something" situation :)
Definitely gotta be rebuilt.
Thanks for your input! Again...wasn't bashing the "feature" and based on your interviews and your stance on BIM I assume you get the point I was making. I know, I know....learn the shell and come back with a better solution(I am on it)....
and once again the Oscar goes to Ace for his Beginners Project for BlenderBIM. Great videos, thank you.
@Ace Do you think you revisit/revise hese videos in the future when BlenderBIM has major updates? in maybe a year or two? Or maybe in some other form?
@Coen Definitely that's the idea! Every once in awhile redo the videos, after there has been some major changes, I'd like this to be the "dounut" equivalent in Blenderbim.
For instance this time last year, I had no idea how to do most of this in Blenderbim, and some of it wasn't working at all. So updates will happen.
There are quite a few other videos I want to do first though. Multi story, MEP, energy calcs, etc
The MEP one sounds great! I literally have no idea where to start with doing pipe runs.
Hi! I just finished part 4 and I have a question for the community. Isn't it alarming the way that the insulation was created? Most of you agree that from a user standpoint this is the direction it should go?
Alarming sound a bit dramatic for something slightly unpractical ;-), but because it's open source you are welcome to add your idea and maybe other people can build/improve on it ;-)
I wasn't trying to be toxic or something...I choose the word because I think someone spent time creating this "feature" and as a BIM app this is totally wrong. You are right about OS and as soon as I wrap my head around the system I'll(try to) do my part. For now, all I can do is learn, observe and raise questions(hoping no one gets them wrong).
Hey @ALX_NDR everything is currently pre-pre-pre alpha and most things that involve UI or impractical elements like the insulation are just the first attempt to get the feature in, we just had something similar with the angle dimension that worked but was impossible to use (it now works as expected).
It's changing fast and it's all at the start, so if you can try contribute (byt using it checking for bugs, and post issues on the github) to get it going that will be a great way to help, at the moment these tutorials are just a point of reference but I can tell you BlenderBim has already been rebuilt fully atleast once and a year ago this was completely different.
Don't think of this as autodesk product, there isnt a top down approach, things can and do change, especially silly things like the insulation, but then we need to recommend an alternative, resources are slim and there is so much being done at once
Great videos @Ace . Again, Thanks for sharing. About new videos Multi storey project would be great!
Thanks for the videos @Ace, really helpful. It's just sweet that all the great work that's gone into BlenderBIM gets properly showcased in a way that serves information you can use. Bravo!
Fun fact that insulation was implemented as a "oh gosh I need this drawing out tomorrow quick build something" situation :)
Definitely gotta be rebuilt.
Thanks for your input! Again...wasn't bashing the "feature" and based on your interviews and your stance on BIM I assume you get the point I was making. I know, I know....learn the shell and come back with a better solution(I am on it)....
@ALX_NDR the insulation tool has now been rebuilt thanks to Andrej730 with support for configuring the batting thickness: https://github.com/IfcOpenShell/IfcOpenShell/commit/f5b6fdcb5b0c000b6352e81086e885170cf8d2e3
Thank you! I will check it out! FYI you(the contributors) are breathtaking!