Zone relations

Hello fellow nerds.
I am fairly new to python and ifcopenshell.
And i wonder, is it possible to get to an element based on what sone it relates to?
Like a bathroom connected to a wall and then a hallway on the other side.
As long as the geometry is cut accordingly i should work, right?

And if it does, perhaps someone could point me in the direction of an answer?

Thank you :)



  • I think topologic does what you are asking for,

  • edited December 2022

    I'm also a newbie, but something like the following might work.
    I also attached a blenderbim/ifc file, if you'd like to play around with it as well.

    import bpy
    import ifcopenshell
    from blenderbim.bim.ifc import IfcStore
    Ifc =
    first_zone = Ifc.by_type("IfcZone")[0]
    listofwalls = []
    first_zone_is_groupedby = first_zone.IsGroupedBy
    for group in first_zone_is_groupedby:
        spatialobjects = group.RelatedObjects
        for spatialobject in spatialobjects:
            spatialstructures = spatialobject.ContainsElements
            for spatialstructure in spatialstructures:
                elements = spatialstructure.RelatedElements
                for element in elements:
                    if element.is_a("IfcWall"):
    for entity in listofwalls:
        wallname = "IfcWall/" + entity.Name
        obj =[wallname]
        obj.select_set(True) 891.1K
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