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Q: Javascript

Hi all, anyone is familiar with JS?

I have these Types:

 * Standard types
export const Types = {
  Number: createType({
    name: "Number",
    default: 0,
    copy: copyValue,
    clone: cloneValue

  Boolean: createType({
    name: "Boolean",
    default: false,
    copy: copyValue,
    clone: cloneValue

  String: createType({
    name: "String",
    default: "",
    copy: copyValue,
    clone: cloneValue

  Array: createType({
    name: "Array",
    default: [],
    copy: copyArray,
    clone: cloneArray

  Ref: createType({
    name: "Ref",
    default: undefined,
    copy: copyValue,
    clone: cloneValue

  JSON: createType({
    name: "JSON",
    default: null,
    copy: copyJSON,
    clone: cloneJSON

So, how can I build Types that have units and type formation?

LengthMeasure type: Types.Real "mm" 

// How to include units in types? for instance, LengthMeasure can be meter (m), centimeter (cm), and millimeter (mm)
Candela/Lumen (cd/lm) or (cd/klm)


  • You need a new type with two attributes: one containing the numerical value, and another containing the unit string (ideally not a string, it should belong to a set of enumerated constants, but the principle applies).

  • edited July 2020

    Thank you @Moult
    I don't know having those two are expensive in GPU or CPU or not?

    class Accel {
      constructor(value, unit) {
        this.value = value || 0
        this.unit = unit || Units.MS
      clone() {
        return new Accel(this.value, this.unit)
      copy(accel) {
        this.value = accel.value
        this.unit = accel.unit

    Because for instance Modelica just uses this simple line of code in C++ to do that:

    parameter Real A= 6 "m^2"
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