Object naming

Hi, I have been looking at the AU Steel library, I had a thought about the object naming. Instead of 26.9x2.0 CHS it could be better to name CHS 26.9x2.0 so all the CHS, RHS PFC etc. group together in menus, I'm sure there is a reason for not doing this, just a thought



  • Same for H and I profiles etc. Maybe it follows some standardization convention I'm not aware off. Also how would I load a subset of profiles in the Demo Library? I just would like to pick some profiles and load them, not the enitre steel library.

  • edited July 2023

    If it helps,
    This is the menu for generating the structural profiles that I have on the calculation program that I use.

    First, the reference standard is selected;
    then the outline of the profile;
    and finally the size;

    Furthermore, I think it is not necessary to generate the preview of each section (IPE110, 120,...)
    but an example would suffice (Ex. the first of each category)

    Edit. I fixed the attached image

  • Naming comes from standards for these profiles, I think this was the one that was used - https://www.steel.org.au/resources/elibrary/resources/design-capacity-tables-for-structural-steel-hollow/

    Also how would I load a subset of profiles in the Demo Library? I just would like to pick some profiles and load them, not the enitre steel library.

    When you append the library make sure "Append Entire Library" is unchecked. Then you'd be able to browse through the library and append it partially.

    There is also option to filter out by name:

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