[BlenderBIM] Sharing IfcVoids with different elements



  • I added parametric door geometry to a door from DT01 from the demo library

  • So, i have done some researches about sharing IfcOpeningElement with different elements.
    First of all, it's more correct to say IfcOpeningElement because actually IfcVoids doesn't exist (there is the IfcRelVoidsElement that refers to the relation) and IfcOpeningElement refers to the object that represent the void.

    I found also some threads on building smart that can be helpful:

    In particular, in the second link i found a tip that helped me: there must be two different IfcOpeningElement, one for every IfcElement, but these two elements can share the same Object Placement and Representation.
    So i tried to implement this function in BBim and actually it worked!
    For now, i've done only a script and a bit of code changes in BBim but i want to make an operator and do a PR with this feature :-)

  • Ok, so i have managed to create a draft about this feature. I have called it "clone opening".
    It has been merged here and in the PR there are some simple instructions that explains how to use it.
    The feature is still in draft so it needs to be improved, but it can be used and feedbacks are welcome :-)

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