SVG to PDF command

Anyone use that?
If so, how do you?



  • edited August 2023

    If it's not empty it's used when you're creating sheets from the layout to create a pdf file from svg.
    You can try it out with [['inkscape', svg, '-o', pdf]] (need to have inkscape in your path - it should be accessible with inkscape command from the system terminal).
    When this command is executed svg is replaced with C:/path/to/A00 - UNTITLED.svg and pdf with C:/path/to/A00 - UNTITLED.pdf.

  • AceAce
    edited August 2023

    Hey @Andrej730
    I discussed this briefly with @Moult before for dxf & pdf export but never managed to get it working,
    how he described it is:

    Runs only after you have used 'Create sheets' button. (is this still needed?)

    In SVG to DXF Command:
    [['inkscape', svg, '-o', eps], ['pstoedit', '-dt', '-f', 'dxf:-polyaslines -mm', eps, dxf, '-psarg', '-dNOSAFER']]

    SVG to PDF command:
    [['inkscape', svg, '-o', pdf]]

    Must install Inkscape & pstoedit (and set the PATH for inkscape : )

    Is this process still the same?

  • I've attempted it again and found 2 issues
    1) It produces an error, I've posted as an issue on the github:

    2) I can't seem to remove the command once I've pasted it in without reinstalling BlenderBim, is there a save preferences button I am not aware of?

  • The issue has been semi resolved:
    if you replace
    [['inkscape', svg, '-o', pdf]]
    [['inkscape.exe', svg, '-o', pdf]]
    it works for me!

  • Is this process still the same?

    Yes, it will run the commands specified in SVG to PDF / SVG to DXF on "Create Sheets".

    I can't seem to remove the command once I've pasted it in without reinstalling BlenderBim, is there a save preferences button I am not aware of?

    Not sure, can't reproduce this. Do you have "Auto-Save Preferences" enabled? Maybe it could help

  • Ahh I'm being dumb, I do have the auto save preferences enabled, but once I manually save it, it works fine.

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