Connecting wall and beam

Is it possible to put a beam in the wall and cut out the profile. Via Blender-Boolean it is possible, but it is not saved in the IFC model.



  • At the moment I don't think so since ifc & Blenderbim uses a different boolean system,
    A workaround would be to create an ifcOpening that you model around the shape of the beam interesection, but this is not dynamic nor time efficient.
    Maybe put it as a feature request on the Github page? Sounds useful to me

  • +1, this feature.

  • @peterpaul

    From your screenshot, You would like to use the beam as a lintel? If I understand correctly, is it not more convenient to model the lintel/beam in the IfcWindowType itself? Or make an IfcElementAssembly with a Beam and Window? Please ignore this post if that was not your intention.

  • @Coen
    There are companies that create laying plans of stones for the masonry (a first step in semi-automatic manufacturing systems).
    And the beam can be concrete or any other component. If I now pass the wall as an IFC file, it should be without the beam.

    The window is already a component for the extension, but I try to create models for the shell, the first stage of building. Therefore, a window does not help me.

  • @peterpaul OT question, what is a 'stone' in your previous post?

  • @Nigel said:
    @peterpaul OT question, what is a 'stone' in your previous post?

    Sorry, layout of bricks.
    The advantage for the manufacturer. He can utilize his production very well.
    Currently, not very good plans are submitted. A good IFC file with only the walls could improve it.

  • @peterpaul said:

    @Nigel said:
    @peterpaul OT question, what is a 'stone' in your previous post?

    Sorry, layout of bricks.
    The advantage for the manufacturer. He can utilize his production very well.
    Currently, not very good plans are submitted. A good IFC file with only the walls could improve it.

    Aha! probably concrete blocks or CMUs down here, thanks @peterpaul

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