Must have developer extras enable in blender preferences for f3 search IFC refresh aggregate to show up, in case some one tried it and was not showing up
I can now assemble elements under an IfcElementAssembly
how can I make it an IfcElementAssemblyType please?
For instance, using a few IfcMemeber(s) I put together a roof truss, any chance to make this assembly a type to be used in more instances or to be loaded in a project?
the only way around for me was to Ctrl+J them into a single mesh to achieve it.
I have the same issue with a timber frame wall type
Unfortunately, as i understand it, this is not currently possible.
Others have discussed it as well. It seems from the discussions that IfcRelDefinesByObject might be the way to do it. Sounds complicated. Not sure IfcOpenShell accommodates this functionality natively yet.
I guess in the meantime, you can use @bruno_perdigao 'Linked Aggregate' functionality, if you want an aggregate that can have linked instances. Actually, I could see this functionality evolving into 'aggregates types' too.
I'd like to explore the idea of working with IfcRelDefinesByObject and IfcElementAssemblyType, but it seems to be a big task right now. So my plan is to make "Linked Aggregate" a stable feature before I explore new horizons.
@theoryshaw Has great dropbox clips for this.
Now where did i put those? ;)
easier making a new one...
shows how to make a 'duplicate aggregate' as well.
@bruno_perdigao is working on some improvements to the 'duplicate aggregate', as well.
thanks, @theoryshaw ,,it workit
Must have developer extras enable in blender preferences for f3 search IFC refresh aggregate to show up, in case some one tried it and was not showing up
Hi @theoryshaw
thanks to your video
I can now assemble elements under an IfcElementAssembly
how can I make it an IfcElementAssemblyType please?
For instance, using a few IfcMemeber(s) I put together a roof truss, any chance to make this assembly a type to be used in more instances or to be loaded in a project?
the only way around for me was to Ctrl+J them into a single mesh to achieve it.
I have the same issue with a timber frame wall type
Unfortunately, as i understand it, this is not currently possible.
Others have discussed it as well. It seems from the discussions that IfcRelDefinesByObject might be the way to do it. Sounds complicated. Not sure IfcOpenShell accommodates this functionality natively yet.
I guess in the meantime, you can use @bruno_perdigao 'Linked Aggregate' functionality, if you want an aggregate that can have linked instances. Actually, I could see this functionality evolving into 'aggregates types' too.
I'd like to explore the idea of working with
, but it seems to be a big task right now. So my plan is to make "Linked Aggregate" a stable feature before I explore new horizons.I've meddled with the topic too, and described my results here: