Duplicating failed for Array items after Apply Array

I'm trying to duplicate items that have been created by Array. If I try to duplicate the elements (Shift+D) after I'hv applied the Array Modifier, the duplication fails and I get an error message.

Python: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/arun/.var/app/org.blender.Blender/config/blender/4.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/module/geometry/operator.py", line 722, in execute return OverrideDuplicateMove.execute_duplicate_operator(self, context, linked=False) File "/home/arun/.var/app/org.blender.Blender/config/blender/4.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/module/geometry/operator.py", line 731, in execute_duplicate_operator IfcStore.execute_ifc_operator(self, context) File "/home/arun/.var/app/org.blender.Blender/config/blender/4.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/ifc.py", line 336, in execute_ifc_operator result = getattr(operator, "_execute")(context) File "/home/arun/.var/app/org.blender.Blender/config/blender/4.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/module/geometry/operator.py", line 725, in _execute return OverrideDuplicateMove.execute_ifc_duplicate_operator(self, context) File "/home/arun/.var/app/org.blender.Blender/config/blender/4.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/module/geometry/operator.py", line 756, in execute_ifc_duplicate_operator arrays_to_duplicate, array_children = OverrideDuplicateMove.process_arrays(self, context) File "/home/arun/.var/app/org.blender.Blender/config/blender/4.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/bim/module/geometry/operator.py", line 849, in process_arrays for modifier_data in tool.Blender.Modifier.Array.get_modifiers_data(array_parent): File "/home/arun/.var/app/org.blender.Blender/config/blender/4.0/scripts/addons/blenderbim/tool/blender.py", line 620, in get_modifiers_data for modifier_data in json.loads(array_pset["Data"]): TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable


  • I think this is a bug. From my test, the "Apply Array" operator is not removing the "BBIM_Array" pset from the children, only from the parent.
    One way to fix this now would be to manually remove the "BBIM_Array" pset from the objects before trying to duplicate

  • Hello! Fixed issue, you can test it with the latest build.

  • Slightly offtopic, I think this is one of the most useful features of BlenderBIM compared to similar propriarity BIM software.
    I really would like to know where the code lives on Github and if there is any documentation.?
    I would like to understand how it works but whenever I go to the ifcopenshell repo I am completely overwhelmed by the amount of folders and files and get lost.

  • @Coen Whenever I want to understand part of BBIM code, my approach is to use my code editor and do a global search for terms I think are related. In this case, I would search for "array", "ifc_array", "create_array", etc. Then I start reading the code using navigation features like "go to definition" and "go to references".
    Most of the array functionality is in blenderbim\bim\module\model\array.py and in blenderbim\tool\model.py

  • edited November 2023

    I study past commits too--especially for new features--as they'll show patterns like which folders/properties/operators are usually required and how they're interrelated. I'm still a big time novice, but i get a sense the fog is lifting, a little. ;)

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