Elements only appear once the project is saved

Attached is a screen view, showing how elements aren’t visible until the project is saved. The IFC file is attached to. Can somebody help with this problem or advise/show how I can clean my IFC file so that all elements are visible when the project is opened?
Thanks, in advance


  • Yes, you're supposed to put your elements inside a Spatial Container, e.g. an IfcBuildinStorey.

    What you could do is the following

    Add empty -> Convert it to IfcBuilding
    Add empty -> Convert it to IfcBuildingStorey
    Move all the Ifc Elements underneath the IfcBuildingStorey

    I did it for you, see attachment. ✅?

    Dit is piekfyn?

    When you open it in BIM vision it automatically creates a log of which elements are not spatially contained.

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