Linked Aggregate

Hi everyone,
Linked Aggregates have been in development for some time now (, and recently the UI for Linked Aggregates have been merged and can be found in the latest releases. So I thought it would be a good idea to create a new topic about Linked Aggregates to explain how this feature works.
Basically, it allows the user to create a linked copy of an aggregate. So if you change one of the copies, you can reflect those changes to the other copies. Below I'll show some gifs to illustrate.
Note: This is still an experimental feature, beware of this before using in production. Also, it works by deleting and creating new elements, so if you have a lot of objects, it may take some time to update.

  • To create a linked aggregate, you can select one of the elements of an aggregate and copy it with ctrl+shift+d:

  • To update the other copies, select one object of the aggregate with the changes that you want to spread to the others. Then press the refresh button in the UI:

  • You can refresh different linked aggregates at the same time, by selecting one object of each aggregate:

  • Instead of updating all the copies, you can update just the one you select, as long as they are the "same" linked aggregate (this is useful because sometimes it may take a lot of time to update all the aggregates):

  • Selection matters. Keep in mind that the active object is going to determine how the others will be updated:

  • If you remove an object from the aggregate it will be also removed from the other when you update:

I hope this helps. If you have any doubts, suggestion, or bug report let me know.

theoryshawAceShegsMassimoJanFsteverugicarlopavelschillingbrunopostletimand 5 others.
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