OSArch Advocates & Supporters
There is a page on the wiki for letting the world know you support the work of OSarch
Please add your name if that matches your interests.
I suggest that you use your real name and link to your own user page on the wiki. On that page you can then say a bit about who you are and maybe link to yourself on other sources (of course also on this forum. I have done this for myself.
My reason for thinking this is that people want to know who we are - we want to know who each other are. Adding a bit of info to your profile on the wiki is a good way to do that. You can say what projects you supprt, why your involved or whatever you want. You can also link to your LinkedIn profile or other sources. This allows people to follow you and learn more. I want to collect with you on LinkedIn, on soon on other platforms, so we can like each others posts and boost their visibility.
I've added a column for country of residence and languages spoken. please add that info so we can see who is where. this can be useful for reaching out to local organisations.
I've changed the wording slightly on the supporters page. The previous 'Activity' column is a now a 'Happy to help with' column so anyone is free to write what they are willing to or are already doing. I see this as a step towards people organising themselves into project groups each with a lead. This is easiest when people can find each other. I decided to make this change after recent discussions in the organizational-structure-and-governance-of-osarch thread.
Hey, I just noticed that @brunopostle and @bruno_perdigao are missing on our supporters page - go for it guys and add yourselves!
With I Love Free Software just around the corner (see this post) I thought I was a good time to remind people to think about adding themselves to our wiki page of advocates and supporters.
Businesses please think about adding your business to the last section 'Corporate Advocates' so we can start collecting expressions of interest in some kind of relationship. Ping @theoryshaw @Jesusbill @SigmaDimensions @teocomi @dimitar @Nigel