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Which IFC class should I use?

i was searching the 'Which IFC class should I use?' page on the BlenderBIM website for an IFC class this morning, it got me thinking how useful it would be to do this search inside BlenderBIM IFC Class assignment menu. I guess I'm not the first to think about this



  • Isn't it more useful to search for the class you need in the BuildingSmart documentation? They give very precise definitions of all the IFC classes.

    For example an IfcWall

    The wall represents a vertical construction that bounds or subdivides spaces. Wall are usually vertical, or nearly vertical, planar elements, often designed to bear structural loads. A wall is however not required to be load bearing.

    I think when trying to do this in BlenderBIM the UI gets too crowded.

  • I agree that right now it's a bit crowded. Perhaps in the future we can come up with an elegant UX for this, but not now.

  • or a predictive txt sort of option, start typing wal and all the wall options appear. just a thought

  • @Nigel I don't actually know how to build that in the Blender interface. Perhaps @Gorgious or @stephen_l might know?

  • edited November 2021

    V2.91 introduced Fuzzy search but it doesn't seem it's available in UILists... Might have to dig around to find out how to take advantage of it but I suspect it's hardcoded to builtin templates.
    However UIList search field in its default state could suffice for the time being ?

  • edited November 2021

    You may iterate the enum porperties items and perform a regexp based matching ?

    for i, item in enumerate(datablock.bl_rna.properties[attr].enum_items):
  • Yes - both works, but I just can't see a slick interface when assigning. I've found that in practice, within a particular discipline, I only ever use the same 5-10 classes again and again and ignore the rest, so I'm not sure how much of a value add it is.

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