Hi everyone,
I want to share that I just released a new version of topologicpy (v. 0.4.48) that has many bug fixes, but one MAJOR improvement. I have introduced a new method called Topology.Cleanup(). This method will cleanup global memory resources that topologic is storing. You should use this method with care as it deletes dictionaries, contents, context etc. You usually use this at the end of a for-loop where you are done with all topologies and are about to start a new cycle with new parameters. This will delete the resources that the old topologies have used and are no longer needed. The difference in RAM usage can be huge. Where before, for-loops with many iterations would continually consume more and more memory until the app can potentially crash as it runs out of memory, now if you place Topology.Cleanup() at the end of each loop, you will see the memory used by topologic reset to a low value.
Hi everyone,
Today's progress: Added Shell.Simplify to simplify internal and external boundaries of an input Shell while maintaining topology and avoiding gaps. This is included in #topologicpy v. 0.4.54 which is published. Also, behind the scenes, I now use multi-processing to speed up certain operations. Upgrade through pip install topologicpy --upgrade.
Dear @everyone,
If you would like to get an update on the status of topologicpy and the use of graphs and graph machine learning in AEC, please join me on Wednesday 8 November at 11:00 for a one hour talk and discussion. The zoom link is: https://cardiff.zoom.us/j/89961149023?pwd=T0t0Qnk0UUJzSklpejc3TGp5R1c4dz09
Hope to see many of you there.
Best Regards,
@topologic Hi Wassim, excellent presentation the other night, your morning
I cannot find how to download Topologic Addon for Blender? can you point me in the right direction please?
Hi @Nigel
Thank you!
TopologicSverchok is currently being rewritten to use topologicpy. We are about 60% done. The older version (should still run fine) is at: https://github.com/wassimj/TopologicSverchok
In the department of "wow, that is really powerful, but also really geeky!", today's #topologcipy progress included the ability to store and retrieve nested multi-modal values in dictionaries and expand the supported types to include actual topologies! And, to add to the power and geekiness, if these topologies already have embedded dictionaries, these are preserved as well and are stored and retrieved with the topologies themselves. New release coming soon.!
Happy to announce a new major (and I mean MAJOR) upgrade to topologicpy. In this version, a large amount of work has been carried out under the hood to streamline the code. Some subtle, but important bugs have been squashed and useful and fun new methods have been added. One of the major improvements is that you can now import and export DXF files which makes exchanging 2D and 3D files (e.g. with Rhino) a breeze! Check out a small sample of new and improved method in the video below and then issue pip install topologicpy --upgrade to get the latest version (as of this writing it is at v0.7.3). Enjoy!! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/wassim_happy-to-announce-a-new-major-and-i-mean-activity-7199715550334177281-6rzM?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
I’m happy to share that topologicpy has a new home and look for its API documentation. The new system is fully automated using #Sphinx and updates once new code is pushed to GitHub. You can find the new documentation pages at http://topologicpy.readthedocs.io
Hi everyone,
I want to share that I just released a new version of topologicpy (v. 0.4.48) that has many bug fixes, but one MAJOR improvement. I have introduced a new method called Topology.Cleanup(). This method will cleanup global memory resources that topologic is storing. You should use this method with care as it deletes dictionaries, contents, context etc. You usually use this at the end of a for-loop where you are done with all topologies and are about to start a new cycle with new parameters. This will delete the resources that the old topologies have used and are no longer needed. The difference in RAM usage can be huge. Where before, for-loops with many iterations would continually consume more and more memory until the app can potentially crash as it runs out of memory, now if you place Topology.Cleanup() at the end of each loop, you will see the memory used by topologic reset to a low value.
Hi everyone,

Today's progress: Added Shell.Simplify to simplify internal and external boundaries of an input Shell while maintaining topology and avoiding gaps. This is included in #topologicpy v. 0.4.54 which is published. Also, behind the scenes, I now use multi-processing to speed up certain operations. Upgrade through pip install topologicpy --upgrade.
Dear @everyone,
If you would like to get an update on the status of topologicpy and the use of graphs and graph machine learning in AEC, please join me on Wednesday 8 November at 11:00 for a one hour talk and discussion. The zoom link is:
Hope to see many of you there.
Best Regards,
Hi @topologic I'm guessing that's 11am GMT? :)
Yes sorry. This would be 11:00 am GMT (UK)
@topologic Hi Wassim, excellent presentation the other night, your morning
I cannot find how to download Topologic Addon for Blender? can you point me in the right direction please?
Hi @Nigel
Thank you!
TopologicSverchok is currently being rewritten to use topologicpy. We are about 60% done. The older version (should still run fine) is at: https://github.com/wassimj/TopologicSverchok
In the department of "wow, that is really powerful, but also really geeky!", today's #topologcipy progress included the ability to store and retrieve nested multi-modal values in dictionaries and expand the supported types to include actual topologies! And, to add to the power and geekiness, if these topologies already have embedded dictionaries, these are preserved as well and are stored and retrieved with the topologies themselves. New release coming soon.!

Happy to announce a new major (and I mean MAJOR) upgrade to topologicpy. In this version, a large amount of work has been carried out under the hood to streamline the code. Some subtle, but important bugs have been squashed and useful and fun new methods have been added. One of the major improvements is that you can now import and export DXF files which makes exchanging 2D and 3D files (e.g. with Rhino) a breeze! Check out a small sample of new and improved method in the video below and then issue pip install topologicpy --upgrade to get the latest version (as of this writing it is at v0.7.3). Enjoy!!
I’m happy to share that topologicpy has a new home and look for its API documentation. The new system is fully automated using #Sphinx and updates once new code is pushed to GitHub. You can find the new documentation pages at
sverchok running under 4.2