CONSULT-BIM: Learning Resources for A.E.C.O. Industry

Hi ! Yassine here. I've created a new educational platform:

Consult-BIM :

The plan is to provide easy to follow courses for students and professionals starting out with Digital tools for the AECO industry. Currently focused on Open Source and Open Data, but not necessarily excluding proprietary tools.

The platform currently gathers the free courses I teach on Youtube, about IfcOpenshell and BlenderBIM.

Paid Courses are also coming soon - You'll have the ability to create an account, book a spot on any course, and learn at your own pace! With student support when required.

walpabruno_perdigaocarlopavbitacovirMassimoAceGorgiousMoultRaphaëlVouilloztheoryshawand 2 others.


  • Happy learning! Any feedback will be highly appreciated!

  • This is an awesome initiative, I like the slick design.

  • This is incredible! Did I miss a social media post about it? I'd love to reshare!

  • @Moult said:
    This is incredible! Did I miss a social media post about it? I'd love to reshare!

    Not yet, but I should post .
    At the moment, I'm just cleaning the code & adding tests before I publish to github, and generally just thinking about the topics to include in a paid BlenderBIM course .

    Given our fast development with BBIM - and how stable/complete things are in certain domains: the idea would be to pay once for a "lifetime" access, and get access to updates & new episodes covering new features. (Not really my idea, the online course does this brilliantly, and I'm just super happy when the fella adds new videos - even if I don't follow them anymore.)

    I should also mention that the course fees are split 50/50 between the course creator and the open source project being taught. This should enable the course creator to keep teaching and supporting students, whilst funding and improving the open source projects being taught - in turn giving more content to teach ???!

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