We have 1000 followers on LinkedIn!

Thanks to those of you who help keep relevant content coming through our LinkedIn profile. Good work LinkedIn team @JanF @bruno_perdigao @Moult @Jesusbill and me!

You can see below how your region is going. Denmark is still ahead - try and beat me. You'll need to share relevant stories and tag the people in your network you think would like top read the post.

London should be way up there and why is the USA not even on the list?



  • @duncan said:
    You can see below how your region is going. Denmark is still ahead - try and beat me.

    I would say that we already or almost beat you as my network is on both french speaking part of Switzerland (some german too) and France and I See :
    30 for Paris, France + 13 for Lausanne, Switzerland = 43 (+ some of the 16 Zürich, Switzerland)
    25 for Central Region, Denmark + 19 for Copenhagen = 44

  • @duncan said:
    You can see below how your region is going. Denmark is still ahead - try and beat me.

    @duncan we are coming for you ;)

  • @Cyril said:

    @duncan said:
    You can see below how your region is going. Denmark is still ahead - try and beat me.

    I would say that we already or almost beat you as my network is on both french speaking part of Switzerland (some german too) and France and I See :
    30 for Paris, France + 13 for Lausanne, Switzerland = 43 (+ some of the 16 Zürich, Switzerland)
    25 for Central Region, Denmark + 19 for Copenhagen = 44

    Two countries don't count. Sorry @Cyril
    @iosvarms what region are you targeting?

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