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[BlenderBIM] & IfcBuildingStorey

edited September 2022 in General

I was playing with Blender, trying to assign different materials, properties, void. And then check if the IFC export still works after making an Array modifiers. As you can see in the colourful screenshot it worked perfect. :-)

However I wanted to move some random cubes to another Building Storey, so what I did I just made a New Collection, renamed it to 'IfcBuildingStorey/My Storey 2' and move some cubes to this collection.
I checked the Object Properties to see which IFC Spatial Container the cubes were in.
But 'IfcBuildingStorey/My Storey 2' doesn't show up.
I tried exporting to IFC anyway (Technically it's not exporting as I understood, but you're directly modifying the IFC file). But no Building Storey 2 could be found.

The question is quite simple. What's the correct way of adding another Building Storey?


  • @Coen if you look closely you will see that the First Storey collection contains an "empty" object ;)
    One way I know would be to create an empty Add > Empty > Plain Axes and having this selected assign to it the correct IFC class from the Object Property IfcSpatialElement and IfcBuildingStorey. This will create the collection with the empty inside and I believe you can manually move it where you want.

  • @Jesusbill
    I see, it works :). Thanks.

  • @Coen said:
    I was playing with Blender, trying to assign different materials, properties, void. And then check if the IFC export still works after making an Array modifiers. As you can see in the colourful screenshot it worked perfect. :-)

    Have you applied the array modifier before exporting?
    So, there is a possibility to make IFC-magic with GeometryNodes?

  • @VDobranov
    What I did was applying the array modifier, then went in to Edit Mode -> A -> P -> Loose Parts.

  • @Jesusbill I'm having the same issue as @Coen 's. I tried the steps mentioned above with no success. The other storeys do not appear on Ifc Spatial Container

  • @Cohen, I'm also trying BlenderBIM and I discover this tip this week on a youtube video. And I found a similar issue : If you delete the IfcProject/My project it looks like impossible to recreate it by the same way of the IfcBuildingStorey because you can't give it the appropriate class.

  • @fcdunice @Yoann maybe this video demo will help:

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