
I need to create bcfs from excel data. Has some one seen somrthing in this regard? If there is nothing I may give it a try with IfcOpenShell and Python bcf parser as well as pndas to read the excel.

cheers bernd


  • To my understanding a BCF file is a xml file which describes the camera perspective points and a tag/name whatever to describe the issue?
    I am confused what kind of data the Excel file contains.
    I have never heard about bcf parser.
    Still quite confused on what specifically trying to achieve, but taking a wild guess I would say you need the following modules:
    or pandas

  • edited December 2021

    ifcopenshell does contain a python bcf parser.

    The excel file will contain the issue data. Each issue will be one line. Each column will be one issue attribute like title, created by, comment, etc

    I am aware about the need of pandas to get the data out of the excel data sheet.

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