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[BlenderBIM] IFC annotation controls

edited June 2022 in General

Hi Everyone, I've got a tiny project that I'm attempting to draw in Blender Bim in entirety, not certain how many have used the annotation tools but I'm figuring them out. A few things aren't too obvious to me thought I'd give it a shot here,

I'm detailing up a gate and just want to see if I can clean it up, so Here are My Q's

  1. Does anyone know whether I can edit the text to have a bounding box so it can have firm left and right edges to the annotation?
  2. How can one flip the text to come from the left of the arrow?
  3. How to copy annotation to another View? I've got a Front with with essentially the same annos, I dont know how to copy it, if I copy normally they don't show in the printing
  4. Lineweights (as a concept anyone know if they are implimented?)
  5. How to organise the drawings on a sheet, probably something obvious I'm missing but I cant seem to rearrange them on a sheet, they stack ontop of each other and are illegible

This project is for a private client but it's just a really generic gate so I've attached the IFC if anyone thinks that would help



  • So I've got one solution, no. 2, there is a area where you can type the orientation of the text:

    I thought it didnt work because it did not update the white preview inside Blender but when you print it does work:
    Blender/ Model:


  • Hi @Ace , I'm still trying to figure things out too. Here's what I tested:
    3 - I don't know if this is the best practice, but this worked for me. You can copy the annotation object and then you have to assign it to the IfcGroup of the other view. First load the IfcGroups here in the Scene Properties:

    Then you select the objects an go to the Object Properties here, where you can select the new group:

    I think this will do the trick.

  • Thanks @bruno_perdigao ! We can figure out best practice later hahah

  • 4 - You can customize color, lineweigth and hatch via CSS. In my case, on Windows, the file is located in this path C:\Users\Bruno\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.2\scripts\addons\blenderbim\bim\data\styles. There is a file called default.css. Just change the stroke-width values.

  • Yeah I think the layout and styling is still done in svg, outside blender (just open the svg page after you've placed the drawings and rearrange them, they are linked, so they stay in place when you make changes)

  • Thanks @JanF !
    It does preserve the rearrangement but it seems to break the link when I open the SVG of the sheet in Inkscape
    Any ideas?

  • @bruno_perdigao said:
    4 - You can customize color, lineweigth and hatch via CSS. In my case, on Windows, the file is located in this path C:\Users\Bruno\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.2\scripts\addons\blenderbim\bim\data\styles. There is a file called default.css. Just change the stroke-width values.

    Thankyou thankyou!

    As for copying the annotations, did you also get the annotations reversed when they are copied?

  • Yes, I forgot to mention. I was able to solve by applying the rotation. Select the annotation objects crtl+a -> rotation.

  • @Ace said:
    Thanks @JanF !
    It does preserve the rearrangement but it seems to break the link when I open the SVG of the sheet in Inkscape
    Any ideas?

    This seems rather strange, are you on the latest version? I tested it and it seems to work fine for me. (There are two svg sheets, one in the "sheets folder, with the linked views - you have to change the placement here - and the finished one in "build" - here the drawings are no longer linked and update only through BlenderBIM create sheet command, but respect the placement of the drawings in the first file)

  • @bruno_perdigao said:
    Yes, I forgot to mention. I was able to solve by applying the rotation. Select the annotation objects crtl+a -> rotation.

    Thanks! that seems to have worked

  • @JanF said:

    @Ace said:
    Thanks @JanF !
    It does preserve the rearrangement but it seems to break the link when I open the SVG of the sheet in Inkscape
    Any ideas?

    This seems rather strange, are you on the latest version? I tested it and it seems to work fine for me. (There are two svg sheets, one in the "sheets folder, with the linked views - you have to change the placement here - and the finished one in "build" - here the drawings are no longer linked and update only through BlenderBIM create sheet command, but respect the placement of the drawings in the first file)

    I tried it again and don't seem to have the issue ahhah, maybe it was a momentary thing, I am on blenderbim-220619 which is the latest as far as I know. When I print, it normally opens in the browser as a single SVG and then I save it somewhere as a single SVG, where could I find that 'sheets folder' you've mentioned?

  • There's a "project path", a place where blender BIM saves temporary files and looks for templates. That's also where the patterns and other css things are defined. It used to be visible in the UI, but for some reason it's not any more. By default it's in the blenderbim plug-in folder, the easiest way to find it is to open a drawing from the ui and copy the path.

  • For others who look at this thread that project path to find the CSS is:
    C:\Users\'YOUR USERNAME'\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.2\scripts\addons\blenderbim\bim\data\styles
    Pick up the conversation in the Blenderbim 2d megathread:

  • A lil revive, anyone know how to change fonts?
    Fonts are located here:
    C:\Users\'YOUR USERNAME'\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.3\scripts\addons\blenderbim\bim\data\fonts
    Blenderbim comes with OpenGost by default
    But you know how some architects like that fake handwritten font?
    I myself like to use Century Gothic for presentation stuff

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