Welcome to the OSArch Community - Introduce yourself here.
The Open-Source Architecture Community brings together like-minded users and developers who share a common goal: that the built environment can be designed, constructed, operated, and recycled with free software, increased transparency, and a more ethical approach.
We encourage the community to share what they're working on, use more free software in what is currently a proprietary-dominated market, and learn more about what's out there.
If you're new to the community, please "Say Hello!" and post an introduction telling us who you are, which part of the industry you're in, and what you're working on!
Let's change the industry together.
I'm in.
Nice to see such light interface
I am happy to be here
Good work Dion
Welcome @nikitron and @agron !
Hello group! BIM Manager from Portland, OR USA. I have been in the AECO industry for about 18 years. I am really passionate about promoting BIM as well as making the training and career path more accessible to our up and coming generations. Please to join, Thank you.
Hi to all, let's BIM together!!!
Welcome @L_31M ! Hope you can join us for the 4th of April monthly meetup!
Hello everyone, my name is José Laks, I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I am an architect and for many years I developed commercial software for construction companies.
I am a postgraduate teacher in BIM at the University of Buenos Aires and I have a postgraduate in BIM at the University of Palermo.
For 5 years I have been director of infrastructure at the National University of José C. Paz and together with other universities we are in full implementation of BIM, unfortunately with Revit.
Together with my colleagues from other universities we are hoping to replace Revit with open source tools. Will it be possible in the medium term? About the ways to replace Revit with open source tools I will start another post.
I am very happy that this space exists, thanks Dion!
Hi people! I have just discovered the project. I'm so excited to collaborating on this, if I could help. Thanks!!
Welcome to the community @izerman ! You might like to join next month's online meetup :) There's a thread with the details.
Hi all, an architect from Lagos, Nigeria here. Sorely disappointed in myself for running from Blender after first encountering it 12 years ago (yeah, all that talk about a painful user experience), I'm now doing penance by soaking up all I can and adopting it for an end to end pipe line for my work. Encountered FreeCad as well 4 years ago and ran....resigned to the reality that I'll most likely run back sometime, but currently very happy just seeing what more I can do with Blender. Haven't done anything with BIM, not keen on Revit, but hoping to integrate BlenderBIM and that's why I'm here. I'm also a creative technologist so I can copy and paste some python code here and there ?, but my eyes glaze over when it gets too hectic!
Great to see you here @DADA_universe ! Welcome on board. An error is not a mistake until you refuse to correct it :)
Welcome @DADA_universe ! Be sure to post if anything isn't quite working and we'll fix it!
Hi guys and girls, I'm Marcus from Brazil and its great to know that such a place exists, with so many people interested and working in a smarter, free and open source BIM alternative. I have been teaching cad for some time and revit since 2012 at a Brazilian public university. I want to follow more closely what's going on to BlenderBIM because I believe the interface between education, design process and aec must have a different approach. Despite the fact my python knowledge is not enough to help in coding, I am willing to collaborate somehow. Thanks Dion for sharing the link at fosstodom, congratulations to you and everyone here by this initiative.
Welcome @Marcus ! The best way to collaborate in my opinion is to try and use the software :) It is very early stages, so the more people use tools like the BlenderBIM Add-on, FreeCAD, BIMTester, IfcOpenShell, Ifc2CA, etc etc, the better! They can test, share what they're working on, report bugs, and suggest improvements. We are hard at work developing new features and fixes every day :)
Let's start using the #osarch hashtag when posting relevant stuff on social networks? It will make it easy to find...
Agree, I'm going to start using #osarch!
Hi All,
Great to be here.
I'm new to blender but not the industry. This is a great project, looking forward to getting involved. I come from an Arch./design background, typically working from from briefing --> Conceptual Design --> Spatial Co-ordination.
Really impressive work so far Dion, hope I can help out and collaborate in some way.
Hello! Привет! My name is Mikhail. I am from Moscow, Russa. I am 3d artist and interior designer.
I use/learn Blender ( and 3d max( ).
I will be happy to help the community.
Hi, I am Paul, @paullee in the FreeCAD forum. Look forward to @Yorik presentation and contribution to the discussion :)
Hi I am Bas a landscape designer and planner for my firm Regenerative Design Group in New England as well as the instructor of the Digital Design portion of the Conway School For Landscape Design and Planning. We have been using opensource tools as a part of our design practice the last 10 years with the largest impact coming from QGIS and we would like use more OS tools for many ideological and practical reasons. I am not a developer but am a heavy user and educator and am very excited about the possibilities of OSARCH and the movement that I am seeing in this space. In particular I see the landscape BIM software as being underdeveloped with no commercial software doing a good job and I see that as an opportunity for open source to fill the gap.
Welcome @baswein ! I have no experience at all in landscape BIM, and so if you could become a heavy user of Blender and / or FreeCAD and advise us on what needs to be done (features to build / fixes to be made / workflows to perfect) I would be very, very appreciative!
Great Bas! As a civil structure engineer it will be great to share some knowlegde and experienxe in Qgis dxf Blender workflows.
Hi all! Happy to have found this community! To be brief, my background is within structural engineering focused on the simulation\analysis (FEM) side of things. For the last 6 years I have been experimenting (whilst learning to code) with software development revolving around the interoperability between CAD and FEM, with the goal of making the design and analysis process more software agnostic. To get a sense of my day-to-day design – analysis development workflow, I can mention that my usual workday consist of CAD software such as Aveva Everything 3D, Navisworks Simulate (and lately also Blender, Xbim and BimServer). Regarding analysis, for me its using Abaqus and some industry-specific tools such as Usfos and Sesam. My programming language of choice is python, but I usually make do with whatever gets the job done. Some technologies that I have found play a bigger and bigger role in my software development experiments are docker, Kubernetes, Devops and Terraform. I am located in Norway working for a company called Aibel (which is an engineering, procurement and construction company in the oil, gas and renewables sector). I certainly think there are areas that I can contribute on, and I am happy to help in any way I can!
Best Regards
Welcome to the group @krande, great to see you have experience on the CAD to FEM workflow. We are already working on IFC2CA, an open-source structural workflow from structural IFC to Code_Aster, an open-source FE solver. It would be nice to see any possible developments within the group in the workflow from 3D geometry to analytical one.
Welcome to the community, @krande! Great to see another structural guy on board!
Hi @all! My name is Gerwin and I live in Düsseldorf, Germany. I am neither architect nor engineer. I did my training in public sector facility management and wrote my masterthesis about BIM an FM five years ago. It was a more theoretical than technical report. But i realized, that the key for the future are not the tools but the formats like IFC. And I'm a technical enthusiast, who wants to open the black box and share the knowledge.
Today I work on registration of an existing public building, which was build in the '70. It should provide the basis for future planning of a possible renovation. There are also many problems that need to be solved today.
Because it is a representative university, I think it is well suited to prove the power of free software.
Best Regards
Welcome to OSArch @Gerwin ! We are all enthusiastic about free software and open data formats, so please feel free to share and let us know if we can help in any way!
Hi, @Gerwin, welcome, and happy hear you're active in FM filed in big scale (city scale) and know existing obstacles ahead.
I develop a startup in Smart-FM area with a focus on solving the majority of those challenges
Hello everyone!
My name is Bruno and I am an architect from Brazil. I work at my own small studio since 2011 and have been working with several different kind of projects (residential and institucional, public and private). My design tools used to be the combo AutoCAD and Sketchup, because it was the most popular workflow with architects in my region and also what it was taught in college, but I have been using Archicad for the past couple of years. I have always been a free software enthusiastic and is great to see this growing in the AEC industry. Recently I started teaching at the Architecture School and I realized even more the importance of free software for students and sigle practioners who cannot afford the standard market softwares. I am willing to make the free software workflow for architecture design as one of my research subjects and hope to contributte with some feedbacks.