Bonsai new release!



  • Hi, do you know where to find the most complete documentation/tutorial about new blender bim? I am new to IFC and only know about blender. I currently install new version of Blender BIM, try to add Dumb Wall but no dumb wall in the menu

  • hey @erfizt, the dumb wall has been updated to a smart wall of sorts, have a look here at moults' demo of the tool:
    first try and work with the latest version of blenderbim (daily releases) found here:

    This is a great video for explaining the concept of IFC:

    but I think it's easier to get started and then refer to it once you are in it,

    Then for video demos (which I follow easier than text) you've probably watched this old one:

    the tools have been updated but this is still useful for getting started.
    Then for the wall tool, this video demo is great:

    Then there have been quite a lot of additions to the costing & scheduling portions

    It changes very quickly so the documentation can't really keep up, contributing to the wiki is one of the ways users can assist

  • Hi Jesusbill,
    thanks for the reply. I will test-it.
    Another thing: I see a lot of interesting new funtionalities. There is some place with information about how-to use them?.
    Last year I tested BlenderBim and FreeCad as autoring tools for BIM in Civil Engineering (roads and structures mainly) with good results ( If you adopt a convenient workflow, I think they are very useful and in many cases more flexible than commercial sofware) and new functionalities (cost schedule, construction sequencing, etc.) are more interesting in this context.

  • edited June 2021

    @avico I think @Ace with his post above aced it in summarizing the current status. The last two videos showcase some of the latest functionalities

  • edited June 2021

    @avico also look at the wiki like here

  • @Moult very interesting progress in BlenderBIM!
    A question about the walls of the video above. You mentioned it's important to have the geometry aligned with the x axis of the local coordinate system of the object. I agree and that's what I was trying to do with FC also, having the LCS.XAxis of the object aligned with the wall axis (bottom center line of the wall). But does this come from some standard? Or can this be an implementation agreement between BlenderBIM and FC default wall? Is there an IFC a suggestion about the relationship between Wall LCS and its solid representation? thx :)

  • @carlopav This comes from the IFC standard for IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage. As a rule of thumb I almost never invent anything, but instead follow the standards.

  • Hi all,
    maybe this is not the right place to comment this but I don't know where I could do it.
    I'm testing the latest buid release (blender28-bim-210729-py39-win) with blender 2.93 in windows 10 and get some issues when assign user properties in more than one object. I select all objects I want assign a user pset and assign them (in object properties panel) but only the first object selected get the pset. In the same way, if I want copy the value from one pset property to the rest of the selection, this only works to the objects that are in "edit mode" in the pset (using the "copy to selected" ).
    In previous version I used (201207), information are transmited with an "paste" icon in pset property, but in later version I don't know how to do it (I only find the previous refered "copy to selected").
    Maybe this is the behaviour desired but I think that in a "normal workflow" you need assing pset and properties values to more than one object at the same time. My test are with a blender file with around 1200 objects and try to assign psets and properties to groups of up to 300 objects

  • @avico the "copy property" feature hasn't been re-implemented, so unfortunately it doesn't exist currently. However, in general you shouldn't need to use it too much, as properties that are set on the object type are automatically inherited by the objects themselves. Do you mind filing a bug here: so that I can keep track of this request and reimplement it?

  • edited July 2021

    BlenderBIM Add-on v0.0.210731 has been released with 134 new features and fixes. It's our built environment, help support the BlenderBIM Add-on: 100% free and open source software that lets you author and document BIM data fully to ISO standards. It's built by the AEC community, for the AEC community. Get it today:

    Since the last mammoth release, we've pivoted from developing many new features towards stablising the necessary workflows for native authoring.

    Between the last release and now, two presentations were delivered to two international events: BILT 2021 and CAAD Futures 2021. Creating presentations takes time, and a good week was spent to craft an action-packed, information-loaded one hour introduction video presentation to Native IFC. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it, and share it for those who know BIM, but not OpenBIM, or those who know IFC, but not Native IFC. You can watch the video here:

    New undo and redo support!

    Building the ability to track partial changes in IFC, undo, and redo, is no mean feat. Undo might sound like something we take for granted in our applications, but for Native IFC authoring, it's a new world and nothing comes out of the box. After a week and a half of four developers hacking together to solve this, we've finally cracked it. So, feel free to press Ctrl-Z.

    Improved stability on native authoring

    The last release introduced the new wall and slab authoring tool. Now, we've got a new column, beam, member, and opening authoring tool. These tools are slowly building up in complexity and turning into the toolbox that you expect from any modern BIM application. We've got new parametric profiles, parametric insertion points, and improved project library support. Accompanying this is improved hotkeys and numerous bugfixes and stability improvements on parametric synchronisation. We're not there yet, where we can confidently model parametric objects from scratch in Native IFC, but this set of new tools and fixes gets us closer bit by bit.

    Work schedules now cascade

    Work schedules are now actually practical for basic scheduling. Dates now auto cascade and recalculate as changes are made throughout tasks in your work schedule. There are now customisable data columns in your task tree and you can sort by any field. Construction animations now support more animation types, including demolition and logistical tasks.

    So much more

    I'd like a moment of reflection to two years ago where the IfcOpenShell repository had about 50 contributors and the BlenderBIM Add-on did not exist. Today, we have over a hundred contributors and the ecosystem of tools is growing faster than ever before. With all free software, it is powered by you, the community, and you have made what is possible today.

    A huge thanks to the growing volume of new contributors who are joining the team and changing the industry. You can too!

    JesusbillbrunopostleAcehtlcnnMeetlattlangtobenzbitacovirMassimocarlopavand 7 others.
  • New features:

    • Importing types from a project library now also bring in materials
    • You can now search for properties without first specifying a pset name. Thanks stefkeB!
    • Extruded slabs now support voided profiles
    • Dumb slabs now auto generate footprint representations
    • Footprint and side areas are now auto generated for wall quantities
    • Dumb slabs now auto generate quantity information when edited
    • The authoring UI now filters by available types only so authoring is more streamlined
    • New dumb column tool which creates parametric solid columns from profile sets
    • Free float is not calculated in work schedules. Thanks SigmaDimensions!
    • Profile set usage attributes can now be edited, including cardinal point and reference extent. Thanks Jesusbill!
    • Support added for importing elements with no representations
    • You can now animate demolition, logistic, and renovation tasks in work schedules
    • You can now bulk copy task attributes to other tasks in the task tree
    • Add support for product inputs for tasks, which can describe logistic movements around a site
    • Generated construction animations now support product consumptions, movement to/from, and multiple processes per product
    • New feature to bulk copy elements to multiple spatial containers
    • New IfcPatch recipe to extract only spaces. Thanks CyrilWaechter!
    • Uncached schedule recalculation is now twice as fast. Nice.
    • Modifications to scheduled dates now cascade through the task tree.
    • Scheduled dates now cascade when dependencies, lag times, and calendars are modified.
    • New feature to see derived global and local elevations of objects
    • Appending from project libraries now supports material properties and styles
    • Improve usability in browsing project library when there is only a single type
    • You can now filter structural loads based on name and inverse references. Thanks Jesusbill!
    • You can now add / remove / edit boundary conditions of structural models. Thanks Jesusbill!
    • Column profiles now auto update when you change material profiles
    • Column profiles now auto update when you switch type
    • MS Project XML conversion now supports blank IFCs or non-existant work plans
    • Work task tree columns are now fully customisable by the user
    • The wall tool is now a more generic, accessible BIM Tool to create any object. Thanks s-leger!
    • Task now auto generate identification numbers
    • Task trees can now be sorted by any column, independent of WBS.
    • Changing cardinal points for material profiles now auto updates shapes like columns and beams
    • Incorrect body contexts coming from Revit are now accommodated even though it's wrong
    • New developer guide documentation, describing IfcOpenShell and module architecture
    • New documentation for the undo system, since it's a bit tricky
    • New add application usecase. Thanks johltn!
    • IfcOpenShell now supports transaction based operations with undo and redo.
    • New BlenderBIM Add-on UI undo support for ... well, almost everything. Yeah, ctrl-z is a feature.
    • New print IFC debug feature
    • IfcSverchok by_type node is now schema independent
    • Blender materials now explicitly link to surface styles upon import, so managing materials and styles are less confusing
    • New installation documentation for IfcSverchok
    • Mixed geolocation workarounds from proprietary software are now supported
    • New documentation on georeferencing, since it is poorly understood and the variety of proprietary workarounds creates problems for the industry
    • New Windows installation instructions for BlenderBIM Add-on developers
    • Editing object placements can now either cascade or not
    • Changing Blender material names now auto updates both IFC material and surface style names
    • You can now remove styles
    • You can now edit style attributes
    • Styles can now be linked to materials, not representation items
    • New loading bar when importing an IFC.
    • Workspace BIM Tool now adapts based on the active element type
    • Walls can now be extended to any arbitrary cursor location
    • 3D wireframes and curves are now imported
    • Importing 2D elements of anything is now supported
    • New IfcPatch recipe to downgrade indexed poly curves, such as to allow these IFC4 objects to show up in viewers like Revizto / XBim Xplorer / etc
    • New readme on how to use the new BCF 3.0 API. Thanks TestPrab!
    • Copying a spatial element now auto creates a new collection for you
    • The align tool now works on any generic product, not just walls
    • The create file usecase is now fully documented
    • New prototype IfcSverchok API node.
    • New system to auto extract docs and type hints from the API
    • Parametric beams are now also supported via the BIM Tool
    • Parametric members are now also supported via the BIM Tool
    • You can now select all elements of the same IFC class via the IFC Class panel
    • New IFC Debug feature to print resolved object placements
    • New script to generate a demo project library
    • Profiles of more specialised subtypes (like hollow sections) are now supported
    • New feature where you can select related objects from an active type object
    • Property and quantity sets are now shown in alphabetical order
    • New system module to graphically view your IFC MEP systems
    • New FM utility module to easily select maintainable assets using different presets
    • New incomplete IfcFM library to extract and format FM handover related data to replace IfcCOBie
    • New feature to add wall openings at your cursor location
    • New feature to add slab openings at your cursor location
    • Openings are now placed in their own collection to prevent assignment to the spatial hierarchy
    • New workspace hotkey to toggle opening visibility
    • Openings are now auto dissolved when authoring for easier mesh editing
    • Hotkey UI now looks much nicer. Thanks theoryshaw!
    • New IfcPatch recipe to fix duplicate and invalid GlobalIds, typically coming from other BIM apps.
    • New IfcPatch recipe to fix duplicate Revit type objects.
    • Editing voids or dumb walls now auto enable dynamic voids.
    • New experimental serialiser based drawing generation code exists, but disabled by default.
    • Parametric profiles now auto sync depth prior to changes.
    • Parametric profiles now auto recalculate cardinal points when editing in mesh mode
    • Material based surface styles are now supported as a default during import
    • New debug utility to purge all Blender IFC links
    • Creating a new project twice no longer mixes collections
    • Materials (and a potential surface style) are now assigned in Blender if you assign an IFC Object Material
    • Object style colours are now auto synchronised upon export
    • The active object is now still active after assigning a container. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Material names are now auto synced with style names.
    • Linking a non-existant or non-IFC file is now prohibited. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Panels which only support IFC4 are now auto hidden in IFC2X3. Thanks Gorgious56!
  • New fixes:

    • Fix bug where adding types without a material was broken
    • Fix error message when getting psets
    • Fix bug where all meshes were cast to solid by accident. Thanks s-leger!
    • Fix bug where 2D or 1D objects generated an invalid box representation
    • Fix bug where the P6 import module was not shipped
    • Fix bug where you couldn't delete a quantity from a quantity set
    • Fix bug where unlinking copied Blender objects didn't work
    • Fix bug where derived grid north was unreadable in the geolocation panel
    • Fix bug where custom pset template properties wouldn't show up
    • Fix bug in P6 import to exclude Level of Effort activities
    • Fix bug where extrusion detection on voided profiles glitched out
    • Fix confusing transparency attribute in add style API usecase
    • Fix bug where validation errors could be created in IFC2X3 due to missing owners and mandatory attributes
    • Fix bug where absolute coordinates weren't correctly detected from coordinate lists
    • Fix bug in IfcSverchok where refresh buttons didn't work
    • Fix bug where bsDD API token refreshing didn't work. Thanks TestPrab!
    • Fix bug where reloading an IFC file didn't properly refresh the ID Map without a restart
    • Fix bug where colouring by attributes didn't work reliably when you pressed undo
    • Fix bug where styles weren't always present when updating representations
    • Fix bug where all instances change meshes when changing type
    • Fix bug where editing a single material didn't work
    • Fix bug where reused placements from copied objects led to incorrect locations
    • Fix bug where psets didn't show up for non element types (e.g. IfcDoorStyle) in IFC2X3
    • Fix bug where editing multiple objects didn't synchronise changes when exporting
    • Fix bug where covetool didn't detect skylights properly
    • Fix bug where searching for GlobalId didn't work if you also used the debug panel
    • Fix bug where date conversions fail if IFC2X3 dates have fractions
    • Fix bug where deprecated functions were used in drawing generation, causing drawings to fail
    • Fix bug where BIMTester attribute and psets checks didn't work. Thanks Nitschi and dedicos!
    • Fix bug where material profile data was not purged correctly.
    • Fix bug where module data was not fully purged when a new scene started.
    • Fix bug where import filters didn't properly exclude types and empty objects
    • Fix bug where removing the last object in a container would create an error
    • Fix bug where userdefined object types weren't set correctly. Thanks myoualid!
    • Fix bug where the pie menu shortcut had a missing module. Thanks myoualid!
    • Fix bug where you had to restart Blender to see changes to custom psets.
    • Fix bug where import process log couldn't write to a non writable directory. Thanks brunopostle!
    • Fix potential bugs where context could be incorrect during operations. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Fix bug where doing IfcDiffs didn't work. Thanks htlcnn!
  • What happened to the (actually very smart) Dumb Wall mesh?

  • @MexiKiwiMike said:
    What happened to the (actually very smart) Dumb Wall mesh?

    Here's a video to demonstrate how to create a wall type, and then change its thickness.
    The video's a little old, but you can probably get the concept.

  • @theoryshaw said:

    @MexiKiwiMike said:
    What happened to the (actually very smart) Dumb Wall mesh?

    Here's a video to demonstrate how to create a wall type, and then change its thickness.
    The video's a little old, but you can probably get the concept.

    But why get rid of a simple process that works? This seems like multiple extra steps when there was previously something that just worked.

  • Also, the ability to use Shift-T or clicking Add Type Instance like in this video to turn annotation lines into walls seems to have been removed as well?
    And all tooltips are now (undocumented operator) as at 0.0.210801

  • @MexiKiwiMike said:
    Also, the ability to use Shift-T or clicking Add Type Instance like in this video to turn annotation lines into walls seems to have been removed as well?
    And all tooltips are now (undocumented operator) as at 0.0.210801

    Ok, it seems to almost work in yesterday's release (0.0.210812), but it fails to get extrusion direction to set a thickness to the plane it creates. and that crashes the process. Tooltips are still (undocumented operator)

  • @MexiKiwiMike said:
    Also, the ability to use Shift-T or clicking Add Type Instance like in this video to turn annotation lines into walls seems to have been removed as well?
    And all tooltips are now (undocumented operator) as at 0.0.210801

    make sure you're in 'BIM' mode...

  • The old dumb walls were pretty dumb - they were a solidfy and screw modifier shortcut essentially, and broke a lot of rules for axis alignment which made it difficult for structural analysis, energy modeling, costing, scheduling, parametric layers or easy programmatic analysis. In other words - it might look like a wall, but not very useful otherwise.

    The new ones auto update based on parametric layer thickness, auto quantify, auto generate axis representations, and can join and split using multiple joint types. They also auto resolve voids, and can be used immediately for costing and scheduling.

    As discussed on chat, just for the record, turning lines into walls still exists, but the shortcut is now Shift-A with the BIM Tool activated (or you can manually press add type instance). Tooltips need help, but are a low priority for me personally due to other things on the todo list. Extrusion direction bug occurs when you haven't saved your wall thickness, so it doesn't know what to do. Bug is now tracked here:

  • @MexiKiwiMike
    There is also a little test library of elements that makes starting quicker,
    It's super quick once you know the hotkeys and the walls are loaded:
    Click -> load IFC library (below create IFC project) -> once loaded click the paper clip on the right to load each element

  • Hello Dion, I recently use Create Drawing and error. You can see this

  • I use blender 2.90 in Ubuntu 18.04 and Blender BIM 210817 py37 linux

  • @erfizt the drawing features are currently on hold, sorry.

  • BlenderBIM Add-on v0.0.210829 has been released with 153 new features and fixes. It's our built environment, help support the BlenderBIM Add-on: 100% free and open source software that lets you author and document BIM data fully to ISO standards. It's built by the AEC community, for the AEC community. Get it today:

    This is the 2nd birthday of the BlenderBIM Add-on. In many ways, it is also the first birthday, as the entire add-on was rebuilt at the beginning of this year. Despite this restart, the redesign as allowed us to exceed far past was the initial architecture allowed us to do. The work to date has built up a strong foundation for editing across all disciplines, and scale up to bigger models. All the features described below are pushing the boundaries of what is possible with OpenBIM and we are proud to be exploring this territory.

    A glimpse of the main tools of architectural native authoring

    The main building blocks and project library support are now available for basic architectural authoring. The tools which we expect to see: walls, slabs, columns, beams, doors, window, and furnitures and asset libraries are ready for iterative testing and improvement. Best of all, you can now insert the BlenderBIM Bunny in your projects!

    You can download the libraries from here:

    IfcClash is back for free clash detection

    Clash detection is a vital tool in the BIM ecosystem and unfortunately the IfcClash tool was out of action for quite a few months due to technical distribution problems. These have now been resolved and we're happy to announce that we now once again have a free and open source clash detection tool. The accuracy of clashes have improved significantly, and IfcClash now works on MacOS, as well as as a standlone app, a library for your own tool, and of course, within the BlenderBIM Add-on itself.

    Drastically improved parametric costing and resource management

    The interfaces for costing, scheduling, and resource management were reworked, and now more start to integrate with one another. For example, tasks now follow the ICOM model, allowing construction processes to have inputs (e.g. formwork), outputs (e.g. walls and slabs), mechanisms / resources (equipment, labour, materials), and controls (overarching constraints). Costs can now parametrically connect not just to geometric model quantities but to task durations and resource usages as well. Cost rates and schedule of rates are now supported with import and export support, task durations may now be calculated from resource utilisation, productivity rates may auto calculate resource hours, and costs may derive from resource rates. A new formula based UI is also released, to make it easier to type in cost breakdowns and equations.

    Free model checking using the new IDS (Information Delivery Specification) standard

    Sponsored by the Google Summer of Code programme, one of our two students: Artur Tomczak finalised his work on the upcoming IDS standard. IDS is a free, XML-based industry standard way to do model checking. Model checking is a standard process of large-scale BIM projects, and existing tools are black boxes and are highly reliant on proprietary tools, or non-OpenBIM based processes. The IDS standard by buildingSMART will resolve this, and everybody will have access to free model checkers with fully replicated results. A huge kudos to Thomas Krijnen who helped mentor the project.

    IfcOpenShell users now have access to a new IDS library, and anybody can create their own specification using the new IDS webpage. Read more details about the project by Artur here:

    BCF API v3 support and new test OpenCDE server

    Sponsored by the Google Summer of Code programme, another one of our two students: Prabhat Singh finalised his work on the upcoming BCF v3 API and OpenCDE server. BCF is a well established system for exchanging model issues, and is a common offering by web-based CDEs. Most BCFs are currently exchanged using BCF files, but a new OpenCDE specification allows CDE providers to provide a BCF API so that anybody can manage model issues from any CDE provider from their own client.

    His API code is now shipped with the BlenderBIM Add-on. In addition, various fixes were made to the existing BCF functionality, and a new OpenCDE test server is now available for anybody wanting to develop OpenCDE apps without the cost of proprietary CDE accounts. Read more details about the project by Prabhat here:

    Initial sustainability integration with OpenLCA

    OpenLCA is a well established open source LCA analysis system. We're excited to announce that we now have preliminary integration with OpenLCA. You can connect to an existing OpenLCA IPC server from the BlenderBIM Add-on and run calculations. Although the feature is still incredibly basic, it opens up exciting possibilities in more sustainable design.

    So much more

    A huge thanks to the growing volume of new contributors who are joining the team and changing the industry. You can too!

    brunopostleCyrilhtlcnnATomczakAcepaulleecarlopavjchkochCoenbasweinand 10 others.
  • All changes

    New features:

    • New bunny rabbit furniture asset :) It's the BlenderBIM Bunny!
    • You can now insert doors, and we distribute a sample demo and site library
    • You can now calculate costs from direct resources and indirect task-based resources
    • You can now edit resource base quantity
    • BCF is now available on PyPI! Thanks krande!
    • Choose from project units instead of hardcoded ones for georeferencing map units. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Resource base costs are now supported with all the features coming from the cost module.
    • You can now edit nested arithmetic cost values by using spreadsheet-like formulas
    • Many more operators now apply to all selected objects insted of one-by-one. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Cost values are now serialised and shown as formulas
    • You can now count elements, tasks, and resources parametrically for cost items
    • Only equipment and labour resources can now have time-based usages
    • You can now store productivity rates and calculate resource work parametrically based on productivity
    • You can now manage psets on resources
    • You can now parametrically derive task durations from resource utilisation
    • Improve groups and systems interface to be accessible from individual objects. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • IDS code for GSOC is now finalised with IDS schema 0.4.1 implemented. Thanks ArturTomczak!
    • Detect units from project libraries, and convert nested double aggregates
    • Implement new ICOM-based UI for managing process inputs, outputs, and resources
    • Non-rooted subcontract resources are now allowed.
    • Block the user from creating sub resources under a subcontract resource.
    • Simple prototype integration to run an OpenLCA analysis from Blender
    • Project libraries are now sorted alphabetically for convenience
    • Hide types collection when importing assets.
    • Improved file selection filters to filter by the right file type. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Various code cleanup, optimisations, tooltips, and descriptions. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Minor iterator optimisation to prevent inverse check for associated materials
    • Rudimentary handling of purging voids and fills
    • Windows now move with openings and walls when toggled.
    • Filtered imports is now much faster and works with omitted aggregates
    • IfcZip and IfcXML can now be set manually, and prevent double loading when importing, which can save ~20 seconds for large file imports.
    • Improve usability by distinguishing disable versus remove icons. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Work schedule psets are now supported, so you can set work day/week/month durations
    • OpenCDE API now validates data against the schema. Thanks TestPrab!
    • Complete IfcSIUnitName exponents are now available. Thanks CyrilWaechter!
    • Keep active object as active when creating ifc file. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Keep active object when removing from containers. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Add tooltip to CopyToContainer Operator. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • IfcCobie : Prevent executing operator if no ifc file. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • BlenderBim : Improve BCF project UX. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • New site project library for stuff like site sheds and cranes
    • Improve UX of task tree by shifting buttons and changing column widths
    • Cost subtotals that are calculated from per X units are now supported
    • Cleanup : Use clear instead of while...remove loop for optimised list refreshing. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Extract Docs is bundled with IfcPatch module. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • You can now assign rates from a schedule of rates to a cost plan
    • You can now browse a schedule of rates alongside a cost schedule
    • UoM and unit rates are now shown for schedule of rates in costing
    • You can now insert windows in walls.
    • You can now assign / unassign cost items in a schedule of rates to type products
    • You can now add and edit context dependent units including dimensional exponents
    • Import of CSV-based schedule of rates is now possible
    • Half complete "add window" tool prototype
    • Implement metric constraints in the ifcopenshell.api. Thanks bosonprojets!
    • Improve ifc patch arguments User Experience. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Improved accuracy of boolean modifiers for dynamic voids
    • Demo library now includes a window type. Neat.
    • Walls and slabs (or any vertical or horziontal layer) now auto recalculate origins after editing
    • Adding openings now intelligently detect the shape of the element you are voiding.
    • A Blender material is now always applied even if indirectly applied through a set or usage.
    • New feature to select the type's Blender object of the active object.
    • New convenience button to add an empty for a type with no representation
    • You can now create shapes of profiles when debugging. Thanks aothms!
    • Bug where auto spatial containment assignment failed when you were not in a container.
    • You can now edit psets of profiles
    • New profile browser with basic profile edit and remove feature.
    • You can now import profile definitions from a library
    • Added some named dimensions for units. Thanks Jesusbill!
    • Implement cost identification numbers and big cleanup to cost schedule UI
    • New utility to get the exponential dimensions of named unit types
    • Implement ability to add SI units
    • New feature to toggle default project unit assignment
    • You can now edit the unit basis of a cost value for a schedule of rates
    • You can now assign resource-based parametric quantities to cost items
    • Implement task-based parametric cost item quantities
    CyrilhtlcnnAcecarlopavCoenbasweinkrandeJesusbillbitacovirLaurensJNand 2 others.
  • ... continued ...

    • Changing task scheduled dates now auto updates its related quantity take off data
    • You can now remove cost quantities in bulk.
    • Parametric quantity breakdowns for cost items are now shown
    • Assigning a product to a cost item now also assigns a quantity in one step
    • New interface to view physical products assigned to a cost item
    • Distribution IFC-extended pset definitions for parametric costing and modeling
    • Implement resource quantity sets for parametric quantification
    • Implement task quantity sets for parametric quantification
    • Parametric types can how define a default layer set direction.
    • You can now parametrically create profile / layer based objects of any type, no longer limited to walls, slabs, etc.
    • You can now add and edit monetary units, and basic editing of other unit types.
    • Updating model quantities now auto refreshes parametric quantities in cost schedules
    • Copying an object / class now also copies pset and qtos
    • BlenderBIM and ifcopenshell.api features to enable adding and editing resource time information
    • You can now import a cost schedule from an IFC project library
    • You can now create curve shapes from the debug panel too
    • You can now customise cost category columns in the cost schedule tree
    • Ifc5d can now parse cost category breakdowns in CSV form
    • You can now import cost schedules as CSVs into IFC in Blender
    • New Ifc5D utility for converting and generating analysis of IFC cost data
    • Feature to enable assigning Construction Resources to Tasks
    • You can now import materials from a project library
    • A whole bunch of drawing improvements, though not yet exposed to the user. Watch this space! Thanks aothms!
    • Deleting a material set from a type now also purges usages from type instances
    • New feature to copy the material of the active object to selected objects.
    • Switching BCF viewpoints is now sigificantly faster on large projects.
    • BCF cameras now support global absolute coordinates with a Blender offset
    • Clearer licensing across codebase.
    • New feature to extend columns, beams, and members to a target
    • Units for cost items are now autodetected
    • New utility to derive the unit of a property or quantity.
    • You can now delete unit assignments
    • New unit utility to auto detect SI unit dimensional exponents
    • You can now view all assigned project units
    • You can now toggle whether decomposed elements are parented in blender when editing, so voids/fills etc move with you.
    • Walls are now dynamically voided when joining, so you can join/unjoin voided walls
    • Add new inverse_relationship in selector for bounded by relationships.
    • New BCF-API client and OpenCDE Foundation-API client system. Thanks TestPrab!
    • Add sample docstring and type hints for IfcPatch recipe.
    • IfcClash is now able to be built as an isolated Python binary. Hooray!
    • Using global keyword is not mandatory but may help debugging
    • Add documentation for how to use IfcClash.
    • New hppfcl IfcClash packaged for the BlenderBIM Add-on. New MacOS support.
    • Improve Debug Panel UI. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Improve UI for multi input string fields. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • New ifcopenshell.geom.tree based broadphase collision for IfcClash instead of aabbtree.
    • Add descriptions to IFC Search function. Thanks chunchk!
    • WIP experimental hpp-fcl and aabbtree-based IfcClash
  • New fixes:

    • Fix bug where style attributes couldn't be edited.
    • Fix example and document quirk to prevent memory related bug.
    • Fix warnings when no people or organisations existed.
    • Fix bug where removing material from IfcMaterialList removes all occurences of the material. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Fix bug where the pset templates with multiple applicable entities only checked the first entity
    • Fix errors if no ifc file. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Fix errors in console due to accessing empty enum. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Fix error when trying to select type if type is not set. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Fix error when adding opening with None object. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Fix error when filling opening with None object. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • IFC Cobie : Fix Elements not being assigned in selector. Thanks Gorgious56!
    • Fix bug where changing slab layer thicknesses didn't work if it didn't have a solidify modifier already.
    • Fix bug where walls now grow or shrink from their origin point.
    • Fix bug where you could accidentally have a layer set with zero thickness which caused object creation to fail.
    • Fix bug where removing objects fails. Now using a breadth-first search and maintain insertion order on remove_deep(). Thanks aothms!
    • Fix bug in work schedule cascading where some cascades wouldn't work and non-working dates would lead to an infinite recursion
    • Fix bug where editing a schedule finish date by itself wouldn't work
    • Fix bug where you couldn't delete non active task columns
    • IfcClash now has logging and fix bug where exclude clash filters on large files was very slow
    • Fix bug where IFC project libraries could not be imported as a file.
    • Fix bug where you couldn't load the add-on in background mode. Thanks s-leger!
    • Fix bug to prevent users from appending a project library asset twice
    • Fix bug where you couldn't use userdefined types for type elements
    • Fix bug where wall origin recalculations will shift openings
    • Fix bug where FM types for COBie were not selected properly
    • Fix bug where undoing broke the IFC link for child objects
    • Fix builds to use name "blenderbim" instead of "blender28-bim" which now confuses people since 2.9 is out.
    • Fix bug where materials weren't created when importing assets from a library
    • Fix error due to trying to patch non-existent file
    • Fix IfcPatch pyinstaller script to make it easier to distribute ifcpatch.
    brunopostleCyrilhtlcnnAceCoenbasweinkrandeJesusbillDarth_Blendercarlopavand 5 others.
  • Has BlenderBIM Bunny some name? Is it Male o Female?

  • maybe it's a gender blender

  • edited August 2021

    Well in theory the 3D model is simply a low resolution Poisson mesh reconstruction of the Stanford Bunny which I cleaned up a bit. Also if anybody is interested in my little foray into Poisson vs my homebrew metaball based mesh reconstruction here's an article on it.

    But the real Rabbit (i.e. the one in all the photos) is my cute female pet bunny named Cinnamon. She can do tricks and her portfolio is here.

    So I guess her name is Cinnamon :D

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